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    LEADERSHIP COACHING & ADVISORY Fueled By Deep Connection

    Work with Jaime

    Jaime Mann is a Certified Leadership Coach on a mission to inspire a new type of leadership within organizations - one that is built on authentic connection and community.

    advisor, coach, and connection cultivator.
    associate certified coach (Acc) and member of the international coaching federation (icf) and the canadian positive psychology association (cppa).

    Meet Jaime

    As the Founder of The Amaryllis Project, Jaime helps high-performance women strengthen and grow their leadership skills.

    Increasing the number of strong women who love themselves, lead themselves, and cultivate connection with themselves is Jaime’s mission.

    But what do you really need to understand about Jaime?

    Jaime has overcome her own personal challenges with loneliness, internal bullying, and self-doubt. She has discovered that connection is the answer.

    What does this mean for you?

    A Proven Process: Jaime uses a research-backed approach to coaching that fuses data-driven methodologies with positive psychology, behavioural science, leadership development, and self-belief work.

    Connection: Nobody needs to do it alone. Reduce overwhelm, gain clarity and maximize results.


    A guide for cultivating connection during your lifelong leadership journey.

    We all know that leadership can make or break an organization.
    We also know that connected employees are much more engaged.

    Yet so many leaders fail to connect with the people around them on a human level.


    Because they haven’t connected with themselves yet.

    The Art of Connected Leadership is a roadmap that helps high-performance women connect with themselves and the teams they lead.

    Through The Art of Connected Leadership, Jaime breaks the chains of loneliness and unlocks women’s full leadership potential.

    Let’s start creating cultures of purpose, trust, and collaboration one connection at a time!


    IF you're going to live, leave a legacy.
    Make a mark on the world that can't be erased.


    Read the blog.

    Discover More About
    Connected Leadership

    Get In Touch With Jaime

    Want to know more about Jaime and The Art of Connected Leadership?
    Fill out the form below and she’ll be in touch shortly.